April 15, 2022
Welcome to the City of Prescott EZ Street Sewer Relocation Project eNews. Businesses and residents are reminded to call the Project Hotline at (928) 237-3114 to speak to a project team member with any questions or concerns. Please note that in the event of inclement weather the work schedule may be altered or suspended without notice.
The City of Prescott and their contractor, Asphalt Paving & Supply, have reached substantial completion of the EZ Street Sewer Relocation Project. The project included relocating a sewer line from within the City of Prescott Fleet Maintenance area and extending it north to a manhole on EZ Street. Additionally, a new sewer main extension was constructed to a private garage located adjacent to EZ Street. Additional work included the relocations of sewer services and miscellaneous concrete and pavement repairs where necessary. This project has successfully upgraded the City’s utility infrastructure for the local community.

The City is proud to bring improvements such as this to the Prescott Community and appreciate your support as our crews have worked to complete this project.